We finally had our first snow. ❄️ The dogs were in heaven and would probably still be outside if we didn’t make them come in. Huskies. 🙄🤣

I poured resin all day. If all turns out as I’m hoping, I’ll have a few new bead dishes, Moon Wall hangings and a new wolf pendant available soon! If not, then today was all a waste of time, resin, money and effort. And so goes the life of an artist/crafter/creator. Successes and let downs..i suppose one can’t exist without the other though, eh?
Also.…I finally got all of the coyote tooth jewelry pieces listed here on my website. Slowly but surely I’ll have all my inventory listed. My little shop (part of my studio) is still open to you! Want to come see my wares in person, way out in the sticks of Madison County? Let me know.